We want to make a gift for those customers who for some reasons use Business2Go illegally without purchasing licenses for every copy installed on their computers. To obtain licenses, proceed to Online Store and enter the following coupon code CP-RY61A-FOOAI04 to get a 10%discount. The offer is valid from August 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018.
This offer provides the following benefits:
- Save 10% from license cost.
- Get a free update to the new version, which is released shortly and will cost more than the current one.
- The new Business2Go will cost more and have an improved licensing system, allowing us to control the installation of each copy. Save big by buying now!
- This is your investment in product development and additional resources that speed up the new version release.
We are working on brand new functions that will make Business2Go more flexible, allowing for even broader customization, work through the internet and integration with external online services.
Let's make Business2Go meet more of your needs together!