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20 Dec 2016
We did a lot to make it fast and comfortable for users to work with data: our product now uses MS SQL Server database, client and server were optimized so that Business2Go is much faster with large data volume (tens of thousands of records). But what if there are more records in a list, let’s say hundreds of thousands or even millions?  And what if the data is accessed via internet? Sadly, the user is going ...
19 Feb 2015
Even before the new version is released we get a lot of opinions on improving Business2Go. One of those that we have already put into practice concerns data filters. In the New Features of List Data Filtering article we wrote about new features we were going to introduce in filters, such as an option to create complex filtering ...
26 Nov 2014
If you've already used earlier versions of Business2Go, then you might know that exporting data from the application even to the most popular file formats was a real pain. However, the latest release of Business2Go v3 resolves all these inconveniences with the new data export functionality for ...
13 Nov 2014
One of our major wins in Business2Go v3 is that we've migrated the product to MS SQL Server, and now the users will be able to work with much larger data volumes without experiencing any freezes. However, we'd like to emphasize that it is still not recommended to work with really ...
30 Sep 2014
Business2Go v3 provides a completely re-worked filtering and search mechanism for such lists as Cities, Customers, Vendors, Invoices and others. Our experience has shown that in some cases the user needs an ultimately simple time-saving filtering mechanism,...

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